The Embassy Mission:
“To promote and protect Uganda’s interests in the State of Saudi Arabia ”.
Embassy Mandate:
In order to fulfill its mandate, the Embassy in the State of Saudi Arabia is tasked with the following key functions:
i .Identifying leading manufacturing enterprises to invest in Uganda’s priority sectors and provide potential investors with information on bankable projects.
ii .Negotiating for market access for Uganda’s products and coordinating with relevant stakeholders to ensure sustainable and high-quality value products for Saudi Arabia market.
iii .Engaging Ugandans in Diaspora to promote Uganda and encouraging their participation in import and export business, as well as development back home.
iv .Lobbying for employment opportunities for Ugandans in Saudi Arabia.
v .Promoting Uganda as a preferred tourism destination.
vi. Facilitating knowledge and technology transfer through scholarships, internships and other capacity-building opportunities, as well as organizing digital, cultural and sports diplomacy events.
vii .Participating in diplomatic events and promoting public diplomacy.
viii .Providing diplomatic, protocol and consular services.
The Embassy is committed to carrying out these functions effectively to advance Uganda’s interests in the State of Saudi Arabia.
The Vision of the Embassy is: "A Secure Uganda and a Prosperous People".
The Mission of the Embassy is: "To Promote and Protect Uganda's National Interests in the State of Saudi Arabia and the other Countries of Accreditation". The Strategic Plan will serve to focus the Embassy to its vision and mission.
Guiding Principles
The Mission executes its mandate and implements the charter in line with Uganda's Foreign Policy guided by national, regional and international principles and legal documents including:
i. The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda as specifically laid down in objective no. XXVIII of the National Objectives and Directive principles of State policy;
ii. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961;
iii. The Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community;
iv. The Treaty establishing COMESA;
v. The Constitutive Act of the African Union;
vi. The Charter of the United Nations;
vii. Treaties, Conventions and Agreements signed by the Government of Uganda with the United States of America and with the other countries of accreditation.